Michael VanRooyen, MD, MPH


Michael VanRooyen, MD, MPH is the Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and a Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. He is also the Director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative at Harvard University and the Lavine Family Professor of Humanitarian Studies at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Dr. VanRooyen founded and directs the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), an interfaculty initiative at Harvard University. He has worked as an emergency physician with numerous relief organizations in over thirty countries affected by war and disaster, including Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Iraq, North Korea, Darfur-Sudan, Chad and the DRC. He has worked in the field as a relief expert with several non-governmental organizations, including CARE, Save the Children, Oxfam, and Physicians for Human Rights.

Dr. VanRooyen teaches courses at Harvard University and the Harvard School of Public Health on humanitarian operations in war and disaster. In 2012, he founded the Humanitarian Academy at Harvard. He has authored the textbook “Emergent Field Medicine” and his most recent book, “The World’s Emergency Room” describes the evolution of modern humanitarian aid and the threats to healthcare workers in conflict.