Taylor E. Brown, MD

Member-at-Large Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School


I am a second-year Emergency Medicine resident physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. I completed undergraduate studies at Stanford University and medical school at Harvard Medical School. I have a passion for trauma-informed care that grew out of a background in sexual violence advocacy. My current academic work focuses on TIC as a broad framework for medical education including domains of educational content (e.g. trauma and health effects, adverse childhood events, and TIC clinical care) and educational context (e.g. faculty development, student advising, and student wellbeing). I am running for re-election to the RAMS board in hopes to continue projects started in my first term. In my work with the Equity and Inclusion Committee, there is a lot of excited around trauma-informed care. I led several didactic submissions to SAEM 2023 and hope to build on this momentum by creating educational content and a certificate program. The RAMS board has been active in the resident labor and wellness space. I hope to continue this work in a second term through education and advocating for our members.

Taylor Brown