Sreeja M. Natesan, MD

President-Elect Duke University


Hello! I am an Associate Professor and Associate Program Director at Duke University. I am also co-chair of the Duke Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) committee. My primary area of interest and expertise is in diversity & inclusion, clinical teaching, and feedback by incorporating innovative novel strategies in the ED to create an inclusive environment. I am enthusiastic, with a passion for collaboration and helping to contribute through my project management, organizational, and communication skills. I have served on several national committees for education & diversity including the planning committee for the SAEM Educational Summit, cofounder and co-chair for the CORD DEI Mini-track for the past 3 years, cofounder and co-chair of the CORD DEI Virtual Holistic Recruitment conference for the past 2 years, Vice Chair of CORD DEI committee, Co-chair of the CORD Academy for Scholarship, among other leadership roles. I am also grateful to be the current secretary for ADIEM and am an active member in the SAEM Equity & Inclusion Committee.

I possess a broad clinical and research training experience centering on project management, collaboration, and educational skills training. Briefly, this includes ACEP Teaching Fellowship, ALiEM Faculty Incubator Program (where I now serve as Chief Academic Officer), AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate program & LEAD fellowship, and am a recent graduate of Duke Teaching for Equity Fellowship.

I am running for the role of President-Elect for ADIEM. I would be honored and privileged to work with others to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion for our ADIEM community through education and research. I believe together we have the power to have a greater impact and am excited to be involved further to give back to our community that has given me so much. My desire is to help create inclusive environments that fosters belonging for our learners (and each other) so we can better serve our patients. I seek to help disseminate knowledge by curating and providing resources to our community surrounding diversity in medical education, best practices/promising practices surrounding faculty/resident recruitment with the use of holistic review, and mitigating bias in the education and feedback we provide.

I would love to provide regular offerings to our community in the form of skills training and regular workshops to practice tools that can then be shared at the participant’s local institutions. I have been able to do work surrounding this here at Duke by teaching holistic recruitment to our program directors at our institutional GME meetings and through my role as Duke GME Professional Development co-chair. By having regular workshops and interactions, we can have a larger impact in transforming the culture and environments we work in. A favorite quote of mine is "diversity is inviting everyone to the table, equity is allowing everyone to talk, but inclusion is ensuring everyone is heard." This encompasses my own mission within MedEd–and in knowing DEI is relational work– I look forward to the opportunity to be involved, create networks and relationships, in order to serve our ADIEM community and beyond.