Moises Gallegos, MD, MPH

Member-at-Large Stanford Department of Emergency Medicine


I grew up in California enjoying the richness of a Mexican-American family and recognizing early that education was "my thing." I had my first experience leaving SoCal when I obtained my Bachelor's degree at Harvard, and while I actually did enjoy the fall and winters unlike other people, found my way back to NorCal where I attended Stanford for medical school. I did return to Harvard for my MPH and finished my MD training with a focus on health and human behaviors, the role of health education, and an interest in medical education. I left CA for the third time and dove into a wonderful residency experience at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, serving a patient population at Ben Taub that I will remember always. Now back at Stanford Medicine, I am the clerkship director for our required EM rotation and engage as much as possible in residency recruitment and education. I have served previously on the ADIEM board as the membership member and development officer. I hope to stay in the important ongoing discussions and continue to be part of a wonderful group.