Joshua Julian

Medical Student Representative Saint Louis University SOM


From scribing in the ED during undergrad to transporting patients as an EMT, I have had the opportunity to explore Emergency Medicine in several capacities throughout my education, and each has bolstered my passion for the field. Since starting medical school, I have continued to seek out opportunities to learn more and share my enthusiasm for EM with others. Working as a co-lead for my school's EM interest group, I hosted suture nights, case presentations, and match panels from our EM faculty and future residents for my classmates. I also serve on the MOCEP student council working to put on EM education events for medical students throughout Missouri. I am now pursuing a position with RAMS to reach students on a national level. RAMS already has numerous amazing opportunities for medical students to take advantage of with the various committees, interest groups, and the annual conference. My goal is to spread the word about these experiences so medical students have ample exposure to all the things that make Emergency Medicine such an enjoyable field.