Current and Novel Approaches in Sepsis Detection Episode 1: ED-Based Sepsis Screening - Past, Present, and Future Methods

  • Shapiro

    Nathan Shapiro, MD

    Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine Research and Professor of Emergency Medicine

    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School



  • erhman

    Robert Ehrman, MD, MS

    Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine

    Wayne State University

    Dr. Robert Ehrman is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. He completed his Emergency Medicine Residency at Yale-New Haven Hospital and a Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, IL. In 2019, he received a Master of Science in biostatistics and research design from the University of Michigan. He is the Director of Emergency Ultrasound Research at Detroit Medical Center, a member of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design group at Wayne State University, and a methods and statistics editor for Academic Emergency Medicine. Dr. Ehrman’s research focuses on the use of heart and lung ultrasound, in combination with biomarkers, to optimize fluid resuscitation in sepsis. As a principal investigator, he has received research funding from NIGMS, SAEMF, and multiple industry contracts. He has collaborated on multiple studies involving echocardiography and lung ultrasound in acute heart failure, with funding from NHLBI, NIMHD, and EMF.
  • Puskarich_MA

    Michael Puskarich, MD, MS

    Director of Research and Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Associate Director

    University of Minnesota