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AGEM Author Spotlight: John G. Schumacher, PhD

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Tracking the Rise of Geriatric Emergency Departments in the United States

Schumacher, J.G., Hirshon, J.M., Magidson, P., Chrisman, M., Hogan, T. (2020). Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Article Summary : This is an article reporting a survey examining all Geriatric Emergency Departments (GEDs) in the United States.  The authors examined GED staffing, physical environment, education, protocols, transitions of care, and quality metric evaluation.  Findings revealed heterogeneity in GED staffing, procedures, environment and key quality metric tracking.  Overall familiarity and compliance with GED Guidelines were low.  These findings can be used to refine and enhance future GED elements and emergency services.

Bio: Dr. John G. Schumacher is a medical sociologist and associate professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Public Health at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) with a secondary appointment in the School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.   Dr. Schumacher co-directs Ph.D. program in Gerontology at UMBC and is active in designing on-line education materials.  His mixed-methods research focuses on exploring emerging models of geriatric emergency department care, training activities, and outcome measurement.

Previous AGEM Author Spotlight Articles

February 2020
GAPcare: The Geriatric Acute and Post-Acute Fall Prevention Intervention in the Emergency Department: Preliminary Data.
Goldberg EM , Marks SJ, Ilegbusi A, Resnik L, Strauss DH, Merchant RC.J Am Geriatr Soc . 2020 Jan;68(1):198-206. doi: 10.1111/jgs.16210. Epub 2019 Oct 17. PMID: 31621901

January 2020
Concepts in Practice: Geriatric Emergency Departments.
Southerland LT, Lo AX, Biese Km Arendts G, Banerjee J, Hwang U, Dresden S, Argento V, Kennedy M, Shenvi CL, Carpenter CR. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2020 Feb;75(2):162-170.

November 2019
Association of Emergency Clinicians' Assessment of Mortality Risk With Actual 1-Month Mortality Among Older Adults Admitted to the Hospital.
Ouchi, K. et. al. (2019) JAMA Network Open

August 2019
Managing the Elderly Emergency Department Patient
Shenvi, C. L., & Platts-Mills, T. F. (2019) Annals of Emergency Medicine.

February 2019
Exploring Older Adult ED Fall Patients' Understanding of Their Fall: A Qualitative Study.
Shankar KN, Taylor D, Rizzo CT, Liu SW.  Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation. 2017 Dec;8(4):231-237

November 2018
Common Medication Management Approaches for Older Adults in the Emergency Department.Dresden SM, Allen K, Lyden AE. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2018 Aug;34(3):415-433

April 2018
Telephone Follow‐Up for Older Adults Discharged to Home from the Emergency Department: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial
Biese KJ, Busby-Whitehead J, Cai J, Stearns SC, Roberts E, Mihas P, Emmet D, Zhou Q, Farmer F, Kizer JS.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2018 March; 66(3): 452-458

March 2018
An Emergency Department Observation Unit Is a Feasible Setting for Multidisciplinary Geriatric Assessments in Compliance With the Geriatric Emergency Department GuidelinesSoutherland LT, Vargas AJ, Nagaraj L, Gure TR, Caterino JM. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2018 Jan; 25(1): 76-82

February 2018
Geriatric Emergency Department Innovations: Transitional Care Nurses and Hospital Use
Hwang U, Dresden SM, Rosenberg MS, Garrido MM, Loo G, Sze J, Gravenor S, Courtney DM, Kang R, Zhu CW, Vargas-Torres C, Grudzen CR, Richardson LD; GEDI WISE Investigators

January 2018
Major trauma in the older patient: Evolving trauma care beyond management of bumps and bruises
Carpenter CR, Arendts G, Hullick C , Nagaraj, Cooper Z, Burkett E

December 2017
Emergency Department Pain Management Following Implementation of a Geriatric Hip Fracture Program
Casey SD, Stevenson DE,  Mumma BE, Slee C, Wolinsky PR, Hirsch CH, Tyler K

November 2017
Emergency Medical Services Perspectives on Identifying and Reporting Victims of Elder Abuse
Rosen T; Lien C, Stern ME, Bloemen EM, Mysliwiec R, McCarthy TJ, Clark S, Mulcare MR, Ribaudo DS, Lachs MS, Pillemer K, Flomenbaum NE

October 2017
Discrepancies between information provided and information required by emergency physicians for long-term care patients
Evans CS; Timothy Platts-Mills, MD, MSc; Fernandez AR; Grover JM; Cabanas JG; Patel MD; Vilke GM; Brice JH

September 2017
Discrepancies between information provided and information required by emergency physicians for long-term care patients
Parshar R, McLeod S, Don Melady, MSc, MD, 

August 2017
The Effect of Older Age on EMS Use for Transportation to an Emergency Department
Manish N. Shah, MD, MPH; Jones CMC; Wasserman EB, Li T, Amidon A, Abbot, M

July 2017
Serious conditions for ED elderly fall patients: a secondary analysis of the Basel Non-Specific Complaints study
Shan W. Liu MD, SD; Jiraporn Sri-On MD, Gregory Philip Tirrell MS, Christian Nickel MD, Roland Bingisser MD

June 2017
Accuracy of Current Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Bacterial Infection in Older Adults in the Emergency Department
Jeffrey Caterino, MD; Robert Leininger, MD; David M. Kline, PhD; Lauren T. Southerland, MD; Salman Khaliqdina, MBBS; Christopher W. Baugh, MD, MBA; Daniel J. Pallin, MD, MPH; Kurt B. Stevenson, MD, MPH

May 2017
Factors Associated with Hospital Admission for Older Adults Receiving Care in U.S. Emergency Departments
Alexander X. Lo, MD, PhD; Kellie L. Flood, MD; Kevin Biese, MD, MAT; Timothy F. Platts-Mills, MD, MSc; John P. Donnelly, MSPH; Christoper R. Carpenter, MD, MS

April 2017
Emergency Department Visits Without Hospitalization Are Associated With Functional Decline in Older Persons
Justine M. Nagurney, MD; William Fleischman, MD, MHS; Ling Han, MD, PhD; Linda Leo-Summers, MPH, Heather G. Allore, PhD; Thomas M. Gill, MD

Improving Pain Relief in Elder Patients (I-PREP): An Emergency Department Education and Quality Intervention
Teresita M. Hogan, MD; Michael D. Howell, MD; John F. Cursio, PhD; Alexandra Wong, BA; William Dale, MD

March 2017
Exploring Delirium's Heterogeneity: Association Between Arousal Subtypes at Initial Presentation and 6-Month Mortality in Older Emergency Department Patients
Jin H. Han, MD, MSc; Nathan E. Brummel, MD, MSCI; Rameela Chandrasekhar, PhD; Jo Ellen Wilson, MD; Xulei Liu, MS; Eduard E. Vasilevskis, MD, MPH; Timothy D. Girard, MD, MSCI; Maria E. Carlo, MD; Robert S. Dittus, MD, MPH; John F. Schnelle, PhD; E. Wesley Ely, MD, MPH

December 2016
Feasibility of nurses measuring gait speed in older community-dwelling Emergency Department patients
Paula W. Tucker, DNP, FNP-BC; Dian Dowling Evans, PhD, FNP-BC, ENP-BC, FAANP; Carolyn K. Clevenger, DNP, RN, GNP-BC, AGPCNP-BC, FAANP; Michelle Ardisson, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC; Ula Hwang, MD, MPH, FACEP 

October 2016
Effect of Geriatric-Specific Trauma Triage Criteria on Outcomes in Injured Older Adults: A Statewide Retrospective Cohort Study
Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD, MPH; Nicole Brown, MS; Maya W Hamilton, BA; Brian Ichwan, MD; Salman Khaliqdina, MBBS; David C. Evans, MD; Subrahmanyan Darbha, MS; Ashish R. Panchal, MD, PhD; Manish N. Shah, MD, MPH

October 2013
Geriatric Department Guidelines
Mark S. Rosenberg, DO, MBA, FACEP, Christopher R. Carpenter, MD, MSc, FACEP, Marilyn Bromley, RN, BS, Jeffrey M. Caterino, MD, MPH, FACEP, Audrey Chun, MD, Lowell Gerson, PhD, Jason Greenspan, MD, FACEP, Ula Hwang, MD, FACEP, David P. John, MD, FACEP, Joelle Lichtman, MA, William L. Lyons, MD, Betty Mortensen, RN, MS, BSN, FACHE, Timothy F. Platts-Mills, MD, MSc, Luna C. Ragsdale, MD, MPH, FACEP, Julie Rispoli, David C. Seaberg, MD, CPE, FACEP,  Scott T. Wilber, MD, MPH, FACEP