Distinguished Educator

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The CDEM Distinguished Educator Award recognizes a medical student educator at the Associate Professor or Professor level who has made significant contributions to and has demonstrated sustained excellence in teaching and educating medical students for 10 or more years. This award is not presented annually; rather, it is bestowed on special occasions. The nominee must be a member of CDEM.

All nomination packets must include:

  1. Letter of support from nominator specifying which award the candidate is being nominated for and how the nominee fulfills the award criteria. (limit 2 pages)
  2. What is the relationship of the nominator to the nominee (Chairman, Residency Director, etc.) Self nominations are accepted.
  3. Curriculum vitae and/or teaching portfolio of the nominee.
  4. Nominations may also include other supporting documentation, such as a detailed description of curricular innovations, teaching evaluations, letters of support from colleagues, supervisor or students, funded grant or project applications, and publications. The nomination pockets are reviewed and ranked numerically for each award.

If you have any questions about the CDEM awards process, please contact governance@saem.org