Awards Policy & Operating Guidelines

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AAAEM is committed to the goal of recognizing members who have contributed in a significant way through their talents and commitment to the organization.  This guideline sets forth procedures for nominations.


  • Rising Star AAAEM Award
  • Significant Contributions in Academic Emergency Medicine Administration Annual Award
  • James J. Scheulen Lifetime Achievement Award in Academic Emergency Medicine Administration 


  • Be a member in good standing, i.e., membership dues up to date and employed by academic or affiliated university or hospital (Retirees or Emeritus status members are eligible for the Significant Contributions in Academic Emergency Medicine Administration Annual Award and the James J. Scheulen Lifetime Achievement Award in Academic Emergency Medicine Administration. Retiree or Emeritus status members are not eligible for the Rising Star AAAEM Award)

Nomination Process

  • Call for Nominations annually on the AAAEM Community (listserv)
  • AACEM, AAAEM or members can self-nominate for recognition
  • Complete the AAAEM nomination form by the deadline
  • If nominee is member of Executive or Awards Committee, nominee is recused from the nomination process

Selection Process

  • The Nominating Committee will review all nominations to determine eligibility and and merit of award
  • The Nominating Committee may contact the nominator and/or nominee as needed to seek additional information or clarification.
  • The Nominating Committee will forward recommendations to AAAEM Executive Committee for approval
  • The  AAAEM Executive Committee makes the final selection for all awards
  • AAAEM reserves the right not to bestow an award in any given year if, in the recommendation of the Awards and Executive Committee, the nominations lack sufficient quality.


All nominated candidates will be notified of their nomination. Award recipients will receive:

  • An attractive award
  • Public recognition at the AACEM/AAAEM Annual Retreat
  • Promotion through a press release to SAEM Pulse, AAAEM's website, and a letter of notification to members organization
  • Budgeted monetary award