Simulation Member Benefits
Simulation Academy membership provides a connection to the simulation community in emergency medicine and numerous opportunities for professional collaboration, development and networking. Our membership is composed of simulation fellowship directors, faculty, fellows, residents, students, and researchers. Through the Simulation Community Site, members are able to seek peer advice. Simulation Academy also provides its members with opportunities for national involvement and leadership through service on various committees. Through Simulation's award system and research grants, educators can find a way to be recognized for their hard work.
If you are a current SAEM member and would like to add Simulation (or any other academy) to your membership:
- Log into your SAEM Account
- Click “My Account”
- Click the button titled “Update (+/-) Academies or Interest Groups under your name on left side
- To add an Academy or Interest Group to your SAEM Membership, select the box next to the Academy or Interest Group name you want to join and click save.
- To remove an Academy or Interest Group from your SAEM Membership, uncheck the box next to the Academy or Interest Group name you want to remove and click save.
- Complete and return the Academy Membership Form
- Email it to
- Mail it to
1111 East Touhy Avenue, Suite 540
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Have questions or need help? Email our Membership Department or call 847.813.9823.