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CDEM Curriculum

This page is home to curricular content created specifically for the three EM medical student curricula created by CDEM. The original site was created in 2008 with a fourth-year curriculum and was most recently revised in 2015 to include the addition of a third-year and a pediatric emergency medicine curriculum. All of the fourth-year curriculum was reviewed and updated in 2020.

The content is designed to help medical students rotating in EM understand the basic core content that is pertinent to EM. The content follows the topics found in the published curricula for each type of clerkship:




There is an associated examination linked to the fourth-year and third-year curricular content. Information for these exams can be found at SAEMTests.

Additional Resources

CDEM also features several podcasts and other resources that are highly relevant for emergency medicine faculty, residents and students. These include: