Debriefing for Dummies: A Crash Course in Best Simulation Debriefing Practices (Simulation Academy Sponsored)

  • tina chen photo - Tina Chen

    Tina Chen, MD

    Saint Louis University

    I am emergency medicine faculty at Saint Louis University and the director for simulation for the EM residency, as well as the assistant dean of simulation for the School of Medicine. These roles have allowed me broad experience in designing and implementing high-yield simulation curriculum for clinicians at various stages of training, from the first day of medical school to seasoned staff.

    I was elected member-at-large for the SAEM Simulation Academy for 2020 to 2022. During this term, I've served as Lead for the Education Subcommittee. I’m running for Vice President of Education to continue building a robust community of faculty who are passionate about simulation education and interested in pursuing collaborative projects with each other.