A Comparison of Standerdized Letters of Evaluation for Emergency Medicine Residency Applicants

  • David Wilson

  • Chaiya Laoteppitaks

    I developed an interest in medical education during my residency at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. I was fortunate enough to start off as an APD at Einstein in Philadelphia where I got to work with an amazing group of educators and now I'm working in the UME world at Jefferson. When I'm not working, I like to spend time with my family, cooking meals, playing with Legos and building marble runs.
  • Shruti Chandra, MD, MEHP

    Dr. Shruti Chandra is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University. She obtained her MD at Jefferson Medical College and completed her Emergency Medicine residency at Jefferson. She completed a Medical Education fellowship and received a Master’s in Education for Health Professions at Johns Hopkins University. Dr Chandra is the Clerkship Director for EM and involved in curriculum development for the medical school and residency.

    Dr Chandra became involved in Telehealth as a Telehealth practitioner and developer of the Telehealth Facilitator Certificate Program for which she is currently the program director. She is the program director for Digital Health educational programs. She is invested in education at undergraduate, graduate and professional levels as well as research in Telehealth.