The Global Emergency Medicine Fellowship is an endowed fellowship program organized through the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina in collaboration with OneWorld Health. The purpose of this Fellowship is to prepare emergency medicine physicians for a career in global health through hands-on clinical field experience, educational initiatives, and research.
Fellowship Experience
Global Health Fellows will receive pre-departure training and hands-on clinical experience such that by the completion of fellowship they will feel comfortable providing clinical care in an international or resource limited setting. This may include time spent working at our affiliated Masindi Kitara Hospital in Uganda, Nicaragua, Honduras, or other approved sites. Fellows will receive mentorship from Global Health faculty during their time spent abroad. Thus far, our Division has been involved in clinical care, education, quality improvement, systems development, and research in:
-St. Croix
Fellows will also have the opportunity to assist with curriculum development in Emergency Medicine as well as to work with our Ultrasound and Radiology teams on developing training curricula for our overseas partners. Field work can be tailored to a fellow's particular areas of interest.
Global Health Fellows at MUSC are faculty in the Department of Emergency medicine at the level of Clinical Instructor and as such will provide bedside teaching to residents and medical students at MUSC. They play an important role as educators to residents completing the Global Health Residency Track. In addition, they will have opportunities to assist in teaching Global Health Electives, pre-departure training of medical students and residents, training and supervision of medical students and residents working on overseas rotations. Furthermore fellows provide didactic and bedside teaching to overseas medical staff and trainees.
Academic Global Health Training Program Opportunities
Fellows who choose a 2-year fellowship are eligible to pursue a masters degree which may include one or more of the following:
-Master of Public Health
-Master of Education in the Health Professions
-Master of Science in Global Health or Population Health
-Master of Business Administration
-Different degree of your choosing pending approval by fellowship director
Fellows who choose a 1-year fellowship can pursue Certificate or Diploma programs in Global Health including but not limited to:
-HELP Red Cross Health Emergencies in Large Populations
-Certificate or Diploma program in Global Health and Tropical Disease
-Graduate Certificate in Global Health Leadership
-Other training programs may fulfill this requirement if pre-approved by the Fellowship Director and the Division Director

Project Name & Description | Details |
An Assessment of Maternal Recognition of Neonatal Sepsis following Implementation of Standardized Newborn Discharge Education in Western Uganda |
This is an ongoing, grant-funded research project involving the employment of a full-time Ugandan research assistant, establishment of standardized discharge form for newborns, a train-the-trainer curriculum for nurse midwives on the signs and symptoms of neonatal sepsis, development of a picture-based teaching aid, and pre-post testing of mothers on their learning.
Building EKG Capacity for Emergent Conditions in Rural Uganda |
This is an ongoing grant-funded project in partnership with OneWorld Health Uganda at Masinid Kitara Hospital. As of 2023, we have hired a full-time Uganda project / research assistant in Masindi, instituted a Kardia 6L EKG in hospital triage, a 12-lead EKG on wards and in outpatient department, have trained all staff to be able to capture a 12-lead on a patient, developed a database for remote quality assurance, and are in the process of developing a 12-lead interpretation curriculum for clinical officers and physicians.

Claire Milam
Tyler Winders
Rebecca Teague
Richard Tsen
Lacey Menkinsmith
Chris Daly
Blake Willis
Logan Wolford
Aqeel Jawahir

Other Documents - Program Specific Requirements
Additional Application / Interview Information
Application Process
Application Deadline
Applicants must have earned their MD or DO and completed residency training in Emergency Medicine.
We have previously had dual fellows completing an ultrasound fellowship and a Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowship. If this category fits you, please reach out to to discuss your particular situation.