Endorsement Request


Institutions who are creating an academic department of emergency medicine may request a letter of endorsement from AACEM. All endorsement requests will be reviewed by AACEM Executive Committee for final vote and decision. If approved, the requestor will receive two letters; a general endorsement letter highlighting AACEM’s support of the general principles of academic departments of emergency medicine and a specific letter reflecting endorsement of the institution from the AACEM President.

To request an endorsement, please complete the form below. Please note once your request has been received it will take up to 6-8 weeks for your request to be reviewed and processed. If you have any questions, please email AACEMEndorsement@saem.org.


Endorsement Request

Are you a current AACEM member?


  • The organization’s responsibilities and authorities involved in Emergency Medicine human resources and fiscal matters, as compared to those intuitions with a department and Chair;
  • The track record of the academic unit in terms of scholarly productivity, as compared with that of an academic department of Emergency Medicine; and
  • The organization’s programmatic responsibility for the education of both medical students and resident physicians, which should be substantial.